Coalescent Theory

Coalescent theory is a fundamental concept in population genetics that traces the ancestral lineage of gene copies within a population back to a common ancestor. Developed in the 1980s by John Kingman, this mathematical framework models how genetic variation emerges and is shaped over generations. In phylogeography, it provides powerful insights into the historical and demographic processes that influence the genetic structure of populations. The basic premise of coalescent theory is that any two gene copies in a population can be traced back in time until they converge, or “coalesce,” at a common ancestor. The further back we go, the more gene copies merge until reaching the most recent common ancestor for the entire population. The theory simplifies this complex process by providing probabilistic models that predict the distribution of coalescence times under different demographic scenarios, such as population growth, bottlenecks, or migrations.

In phylogeography, coalescent theory helps decipher how historical events have shaped the spatial distribution of genetic diversity. For instance, it allows scientists to estimate the time since populations diverged from one another or how recent demographic changes, like expansions or contractions, have affected genetic diversity. By analyzing genealogical relationships, the theory can infer past events like population bottlenecks, which occur when populations shrink significantly, leaving a genetic signature due to reduced diversity. Coalescent theory is crucial in phylogeography because it provides a framework to model gene flow, divergence, and historical population sizes based on genetic data. For example, researchers can assess whether populations remained isolated during historical climatic events like the Pleistocene glaciations or whether secondary contact led to admixture between previously distinct populations. The theory also accounts for the effects of natural selection, genetic drift, and geographic barriers on the genetic makeup of populations.

A significant strength of coalescent theory is its flexibility. It can handle various genetic markers, such as mitochondrial DNA, autosomal genes, or whole-genome data. Additionally, it works across different scales, from single populations to entire species ranges. Its probabilistic models incorporate the effects of mutations, recombination, and demographic changes, providing more accurate reconstructions of population histories than traditional genetic analyses. The importance of coalescent theory in phylogeography extends to practical applications, such as conservation genetics. It helps identify evolutionary significant units by revealing how genetically distinct populations are and how much gene flow occurs between them. This knowledge can guide conservation strategies by prioritizing populations with unique genetic legacies or identifying connectivity corridors that maintain genetic diversity.


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Molecular Ecology & Evolution: An Introduction Copyright © 2024 by Andew Davinack is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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