Defining Genetic Diversity

Genetic diversity represents the variation in genetic makeup within a population, species, or entire ecosystem. It is a cornerstone of evolutionary biology and ecology, reflecting the adaptability and resilience of populations to changing environments. High genetic diversity often indicates a robust ability to withstand diseases, environmental changes, and other threats. In contrast, low genetic diversity can make populations more susceptible to these challenges, potentially leading to inbreeding depression or even extinction.

  • Nucleotide Diversity (π): This measure assesses genetic variation at the nucleotide level, quantifying the average differences in nucleotides between pairs of sequences in a population. It is expressed as the proportion of nucleotide sites where two randomly chosen DNA sequences differ. Higher nucleotide diversity suggests a more diverse population at the molecular level, reflecting historical mutation rates, selection pressures, or demographic changes. For instance, populations that have experienced recent bottlenecks may have lower nucleotide diversity due to a reduction in genetic variation.
  • Haplotype Diversity (h): Haplotype diversity refers to the measure of variability of different haplotypes (combinations of alleles at multiple loci that are inherited together) within a population. It indicates the proportion of unique haplotypes and their distribution. A population with high haplotype diversity has many distinct combinations of alleles, signifying a broad genetic base. This measure is particularly useful when studying non-recombining DNA regions, such as mitochondrial DNA in animals or chloroplast DNA in plants. For example, populations of certain fish species may show low haplotype diversity due to historical isolation, while others display high diversity because of frequent gene flow.
  • Expected Heterozygosity (He): Expected heterozygosity, also known as gene diversity, estimates the likelihood that a randomly chosen individual from a population will be heterozygous at a specific locus. It is derived from allele frequencies, providing an expectation of the proportion of heterozygous genotypes if the population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. High expected heterozygosity suggests a population with a rich allelic diversity, meaning many different alleles are available at that locus. In contrast, low expected heterozygosity indicates fewer alleles, which could result from inbreeding or population bottlenecks.

Together, these measures of genetic diversity help researchers understand the evolutionary processes shaping populations and guide conservation efforts. By distinguishing between nucleotide diversity, haplotype diversity, and expected heterozygosity, scientists can gain nuanced insights into the genetic structure and health of populations. For example, high nucleotide diversity combined with low haplotype diversity might reflect recent population expansion from a few ancestral lineages. Monitoring genetic diversity is essential for predicting a population’s potential adaptability and designing effective management strategies to preserve biodiversity.

Relationship Between Genetic Diversity and Population Size (N)

The census population size (often symbolized as Nc) and effective population size (Ne) are both measures used to describe the size of a population, but they differ in their definitions and implications, particularly in relation to genetic diversity.

  • Census Population Size (Nc): This is the actual count of individuals within a population, essentially a headcount of all members. It is the total number of organisms that make up a population at a given time. While this is a straightforward metric, it does not account for the proportion of individuals contributing to reproduction or the reproductive potential of individuals. For instance, in populations where only a subset of individuals breed, the census size will overestimate the genetic contribution to the next generation.
  • Effective Population Size (Ne): The effective population size represents the number of individuals in a hypothetical, idealized population that would exhibit the same amount of genetic drift or inbreeding as the observed population. An idealized population assumes random mating and equal reproductive success among all individuals. Ne is often smaller than the census size due to several factors affecting genetic contribution to future generations, such as skewed sex ratios, variance in reproductive success, overlapping generations, and population fluctuations.

Genetic diversity is influenced heavily by the effective population size because Ne​ determines the rate at which genetic variation is lost or maintained through processes like genetic drift and inbreeding. In small populations with a low effective population size (Ne), genetic drift plays a significant role in reducing genetic diversity. This reduction occurs because alleles can become fixed or lost simply by chance. Conversely, a larger Ne helps retain allelic diversity over time, preserving the genetic variation within the population. Inbreeding is another consequence of a small effective population size. Increased inbreeding reduces heterozygosity and increases the likelihood of homozygous recessive traits, potentially leading to inbreeding depression, where the fitness of the population decreases due to the expression of deleterious recessive alleles. Natural selection operates differently depending on the effective population size. In smaller populations, beneficial mutations may become fixed more slowly, and deleterious alleles might persist due to the influence of genetic drift. This dynamic contrasts with larger populations, where natural selection can more effectively weed out harmful alleles and promote beneficial ones. Effective population size also affects a population’s ability to incorporate new genetic material through gene flow. Small populations may quickly lose or fix new alleles introduced via migration, limiting their capacity to adapt to changing environments or recover from genetic bottlenecks. Events like population bottlenecks or founder effects can sharply reduce Ne, leading to a dramatic loss of genetic diversity even if the census population size (Nc ) recovers afterward. These events can have long-lasting impacts on the genetic health and evolutionary potential of the population, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a large and stable Ne to support genetic diversity and resilience.


  • Genetic Drift: This is a random change in the frequency of alleles (different versions of a gene) in a population over time. Unlike natural selection, genetic drift doesn’t necessarily favor any particular allele; instead, these changes can happen just by chance. For example, if a few individuals happen to reproduce more than others, their genes become more common in the next generation by chance, not because these genes are “better”.
  • Inbreeding: Inbreeding occurs when closely related individuals breed with each other. This leads to an increase in the frequency of offspring inheriting the same alleles from both parents, which can increase the chance of offspring being affected by recessive or deleterious traits. Essentially, it reduces genetic diversity, which can make populations more vulnerable to diseases and other problems.
  • Natural Selection: This is a process where individuals with certain traits tend to survive and reproduce more than others in their environment. Over time, these advantageous traits become more common in the population. For example, if a bird species is better camouflaged in its environment, it might avoid predators more effectively and live longer to reproduce, passing on its camouflaging traits to its offspring.
  • Gene Flow: Gene flow is the transfer of genetic material (alleles) between populations of the same species, often due to individuals moving from one place to another and breeding. This process can introduce new genetic material into a population, helping to maintain or increase genetic diversity, which can help populations adapt to changing environments.
  • Genetic Bottleneck: A genetic bottleneck occurs when a population’s size is significantly reduced for at least one generation. This can be due to events like natural disasters, diseases, or habitat loss. A smaller population size means less genetic diversity, and the genes present in the surviving population may not represent the genetic makeup of the original population. This can affect the population’s ability to adapt to new environmental challenges and can increase the likelihood of inbreeding.


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Molecular Ecology & Evolution: An Introduction Copyright © 2024 by Andew Davinack is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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