Genetic Drift and Diversity

Genetic drift is an evolutionary process that results in random changes in allele frequencies within a population from one generation to the next. Unlike natural selection, which consistently favors traits that increase an organism’s fitness, genetic drift operates without regard to the adaptive value of alleles. Its effects are most pronounced in small populations, where chance events can significantly impact genetic diversity. Genetic drift occurs because each generation represents only a subset of the genetic variation found in the parental generation. Even if all alleles have an equal chance of being inherited, random fluctuations in which alleles are passed down can lead to significant changes over time. This phenomenon can result in some alleles becoming more common while others decrease in frequency or are lost entirely. Genetic drift can affect genetic diversity in several ways:

  1. Allele Fixation or Loss: In small populations, alleles can rapidly drift to fixation (meaning they reach a frequency of 100%) or be lost entirely. The rate of fixation is inversely related to population size: the smaller the population, the quicker the fixation or loss.
  2. Reduction in Genetic Variation: As alleles are lost, the genetic variation within the population decreases. This reduction in variability limits the population’s potential to adapt to environmental changes.
  3. Increased Homozygosity: Genetic drift increases the proportion of homozygous individuals (those with two identical alleles for a particular gene). This can reveal deleterious alleles that may have been masked by heterozygosity.

While genetic drift and natural selection are distinct processes, they can interact. In small populations where drift predominates, even beneficial alleles can be lost by chance. Conversely, in larger populations where selection has more influence, genetic drift plays a lesser role.

Figure 24. Effect of population size on genetic drift: Ten simulations each of random change in the frequency distribution of a single hypothetical allele over 50 generations for different sized populations; first population size n=20, second population n=200.

Founder Effect

The founder effect is a phenomenon that occurs when a small group of individuals separates from a larger population to establish a new, isolated population. This subset typically carries only a fraction of the genetic diversity found in the original group. As a result, the new population may exhibit allele frequencies that are significantly different from those of the source population, leading to a rapid and sometimes substantial shift in genetic composition. When a few individuals colonize a new habitat or region, their genetic makeup defines the genetic starting point of the new population. Since only a limited number of alleles are represented in this founding group, certain alleles may become more common simply due to chance, while others may be entirely absent. Over time, genetic drift in this small population can cause these changes to be further exaggerated.

Genetic consequences of the founder effect:

  1. Reduced Genetic Variation: The new population starts with reduced genetic diversity compared to the original population. The small initial pool of alleles limits the genetic variation that can be passed to subsequent generations.
  2. Altered Allele Frequencies: The alleles present in the founders may become disproportionately represented in the new population, resulting in frequencies that differ markedly from the source population. This alteration could lead to a prevalence of traits not common in the original group.
  3. Inbreeding: The limited genetic diversity can increase the likelihood of mating between closely related individuals, leading to higher levels of homozygosity and a potential increase in deleterious alleles.

Island populations often show strong founder effects. For example, the genetic makeup of Darwin’s finches on the Galapagos Islands differs significantly from that of mainland finches due to the isolation of each island population. In addition, certain human populations, such as the Amish or the inhabitants of Tristan da Cunha, exhibit genetic traits not commonly found elsewhere due to their descent from a small number of founders. The founder effect can lead to rapid speciation and adaptive radiation in isolated environments, as seen in island ecosystems. However, the reduced genetic diversity may also increase susceptibility to diseases and limit adaptability to environmental changes.

Figure 25. Representation of the founder effect: the colored balls represent the two alleles for a specific locus which are present in a hypothetical population; once a random subgroup of a population becomes separated from its ancestral population, the allele frequencies in the two groups’ subsequent generation can diverge widely within a relatively short period of time as a consequence of random selection of alleles for reproduction.


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Molecular Ecology & Evolution: An Introduction Copyright © 2024 by Andew Davinack is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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