Phylogeographic Barriers

Phylogeographic barriers (also known as phylogeographic “breaks”) are physical or environmental features that limit or prevent the movement of organisms across a landscape, seascape or riverscape, leading to genetic differentiation among populations. These barriers can profoundly influence the distribution of genetic diversity, often resulting in distinctive lineages or haplotypes that reflect the historical separation of populations. Their study helps researchers understand how geography and history have shaped the genetic structure of species. One of the most significant types of phylogeographic barriers is a geographical feature that directly obstructs movement. Mountain ranges, large rivers, oceans, and deserts are classic examples. For instance, the Himalayan mountains present a formidable barrier between northern and southern Asia, isolating the flora and fauna on each side. Similarly, the Sahara Desert restricts gene flow between sub-Saharan Africa and the Mediterranean region.

Climatic barriers also play a crucial role in shaping phylogeographic patterns. During the Pleistocene glaciations, ice sheets expanded and contracted, forcing many species to retreat into ice-free refugia. This created isolated populations that evolved separately. For example, North America’s glacial ice sheets separated eastern and western populations, and similar patterns were observed in Europe and Asia. The legacy of these isolated refugia is visible today, where populations exhibit distinct genetic lineages that trace back to these historical separations. In addition to physical and climatic barriers, ecological differences can create invisible yet significant boundaries. Some species are highly specialized to particular habitats, such as freshwater lakes, specific forest types, or certain altitudes. The transition between these ecological zones can limit dispersal and cause genetic differentiation. For instance, high-elevation species often show unique genetic structures due to the sharp ecological boundary between montane and lowland environments.

Human activities can also establish artificial barriers that fragment populations. Urbanization, road construction, and agricultural expansion increasingly divide natural habitats, disrupting connectivity. This can cause genetic drift or inbreeding within isolated populations. Conservation efforts often focus on maintaining or restoring habitat corridors to ensure gene flow and genetic health. The effects of phylogeographic barriers are evident in species that display regional patterns of genetic variation. Populations separated by barriers often have reduced gene flow between them, resulting in higher genetic differentiation. Sometimes, this differentiation is subtle but detectable through genetic markers. Other times, the barrier is so strong that it leads to the formation of new species, a process known as allopatric speciation.

Understanding phylogeographic barriers helps clarify the historical processes that have shaped modern biodiversity. It allows scientists to trace how ancient geographic and climatic shifts influenced the genetic structure of current populations. Moreover, this knowledge aids in conservation by identifying regions where unique genetic lineages persist and highlighting habitat corridors that maintain connectivity. As environmental changes continue, the role of phylogeographic barriers remains crucial in predicting how species will respond and adapt to future challenges.


Example: Strait of Gibraltar

The Strait of Gibraltar, the narrow body of water separating southern Europe from northern Africa, is an excellent example of a barrier where “gene flow leakage” occurs. Despite being a significant natural boundary between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, it allows limited but detectable genetic exchange between populations of various species. The strait is only about 14 km (9 miles) wide at its narrowest point, separating the southern tip of Spain and northern Morocco. This narrow distance seems small, yet it represents a significant geographic boundary between two distinct biogeographical regions—Europe and Africa. For terrestrial species, crossing this water body presents a challenge, while the strong currents make migration difficult for marine species. For terrestrial animals and plants, the strait acts as a strong barrier, limiting movement between Europe and Africa. However, some species exhibit gene flow leakage across this divide. Birds are one of the most notable examples, as migratory species regularly travel between the two continents, carrying genetic material with them. For instance, certain bird populations like the white stork (Ciconia ciconia) migrate seasonally between Europe and Africa, leading to gene flow between populations.


Figure 27. The Strait of Gibraltar is well known phylogeographic break that separates the eastern Atlantic from the Mediterranean Sea

The Strait of Gibraltar, the narrow body of water separating southern Europe from northern Africa, is an excellent example of a barrier where “gene flow leakage” occurs. Despite being a significant natural boundary between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, it allows limited but detectable genetic exchange between populations of various species. The strait is only about 14 km (9 miles) wide at its narrowest point, separating the southern tip of Spain and northern Morocco. This narrow distance seems small, yet it represents a significant geographic boundary between two distinct biogeographical regions—Europe and Africa. For terrestrial species, crossing this water body presents a challenge, while the strong currents make migration difficult for marine species. For terrestrial animals and plants, the strait acts as a strong barrier, limiting movement between Europe and Africa. However, some species exhibit gene flow leakage across this divide. Birds are one of the most notable examples, as migratory species regularly travel between the two continents, carrying genetic material with them. For instance, certain bird populations like the white stork (Ciconia ciconia) migrate seasonally between Europe and Africa, leading to gene flow between populations.

In the marine environment, the strait represents a significant bottleneck (do not confuse this with a genetic bottleneck!) between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. The strong, complex currents make it difficult for many marine organisms to traverse, often resulting in genetic differentiation between populations on either side. However, gene flow leakage has been observed in several marine species. The European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus), for example, shows genetic differences between Atlantic and Mediterranean populations, but some mixing still occurs across the strait. Other examples include certain bivalves and small fish species that occasionally disperse through the strait’s currents, maintaining genetic connectivity. Gene flow leakage across the Strait of Gibraltar helps scientists understand the complexity of migration barriers. Even a seemingly strong boundary can allow limited exchange, influencing genetic diversity and adaptation. This phenomenon is crucial for conservation, as identifying connectivity across barriers can inform strategies to maintain gene flow and preserve genetic diversity.

  1. Reflect on the different types of phylogeographic barriers mentioned in the reading—geographical, climatic, ecological, and anthropogenic. Choose one type of barrier and discuss how it could impact the genetic structure of a species you are familiar with. How might this barrier influence the population’s genetic diversity and potential for adaptation?
  2. The reading provides the Strait of Gibraltar as an example of a phylogeographic barrier with “gene flow leakage.” Choose another natural or artificial barrier and explore the concept of gene flow leakage in that context. How does limited gene flow across this barrier affect the genetic diversity and evolutionary potential of the populations on either side?


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Molecular Ecology & Evolution: An Introduction Copyright © 2024 by Andew Davinack is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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