Recommended Reading

The following are recommended readings – we will be discussing at least one of these articles in next week’s group discussion.


1. Herbert PDN, Penton EH, Burns JM, Janzen DH, Hallwachs W (2004) Ten species in one: DNA barcoding reveals cryptic species in the neotrophical skipper butterfly Astraptes fulgerator. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 1010: 14812 – 14817.

2. Struck TH, Feder JL, Bendiksby M, Birkeland S, Cerca J, Gusarov VI, Kistenich S, Larsson K-H, Liow LH, Nowak MD, Stedje B, Bachmann L, Dimitrov D (2017) Finding evolutionary processes hidden in cryptic species. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 33: 153 – 163.

3. Kollar J, Poulickova A, Dvorak P (2021) On the relativity of species, or the probabilistic solution to the species problem. Molecular Ecology 31: 411 – 418.

4. Collins RA, Cruickshank RH (2013) The seven deadly sins of DNA barcoding. Molecular ecology resources 13: 969 – 975.

5. Phillips JD, Gillis DJ, Hanner RH (2022) Lack of statistical rigor in DNA barcoding likely invalidates the presence of a true species’ barcode gap. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10: 859099.

6. Beng KC, Corlett RT (2020) Applications of environmental DNA (eDNA in ecology and conservation: opportunities, challenges and prospects. Biodiversity and conservation 29: 2089 – 2121.

7. Fitzhugh K (2006) DNA barcoding: an instance of technology-driven science? BioScience 56: 462 – 463.[462:DBAIOT]2.0.CO;2



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