Recommended Reading

The following are recommended readings – we will be discussing at least one of these articles in next week’s group discussion.

1. Avise JC (2009) Phylogeography: retrospect and prospect. Journal of biogeography 36: 3 – 15.

2. Gauther MR, Toonen RJ, Bowen BW (2012) Coming out of the starting blocks: extended lag time rearranges genetic diversity in introduced marine fishes of Hawai’i. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279: 3948 – 3957.

3. Bowen BW, Gaither M, DiBattista JD, Briggs JC (2016) Comparative phylogeography of the ocean planet. Proceedings of the National Academic of Sciences 113: 7962 – 7969.

4. Reitzel AM, Herrera S, Layden MJ, Martindale MQ, Shank TM (2013) Going where traditional markers have not gone before: utility of and promise for RAD sequencing in marine invertebrate phylogeography and population genomics. Molecular Ecology 22: 2953 – 2970.

5. Monteiro FA, Peretolchina T, et al. (2013) Phylogegoraphic pattern and extensive mitochondrial DNA divergence disclose a species complex within the Chagas disease vector, Triatoma dimidiata. PLoS ONE 8: e70974.

6. Larmuseau MHD, Raeymaekers JAM, Hellemans B, Van Houdt JKJ, Volckaert (2010) Mito-nuclear discordance in the degree of population differentiation in a marine goby. Heredity 105: 532 – 542.

7. Zink RM, Barrowclough GF (2008) Mitochondrial DNA under siege in avian phylogeography. Molecular Ecology 17: 2107 – 2121.

8. Godinho R, Crespo EG, Ferrand N (2008) The limits of mtDNA phylogeography: complex patterns of population history in a highly structured Iberian lizard are only revealed by the use of nuclear markers. Molecular Ecology 17: 4670 – 4683.

10. Nieberding CM, Durette-Desset M-C, Vanderpoorten A, Casanova JC, Ribas A, Deffontaine V, Feliu C, Morand S, Libois R, Michaux JR (2008) Geography and host biogeography matter for understanding the phylogeography of a parasite. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 47: 538 – 554.

11. Godefroid M, Rasplus J-Y, Rossi J-P (2016) Is phylogeography helpful for invasive species risk assessment? The case study of the bark beetle genus Dendroctonus. Ecography 39: 1197-1209.


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