Recommended Reading

The following are recommended readings – we will be discussing at least one of these articles in next week’s group discussion:

1. Stuart KC, Cardilini APA, Cassey P, Richardson MF, Sherwin WB, Rollins LA, Sherman CDH (2020) Signatures of selection in a recent invasion reveal adaptive divergence in a highly vagile invasive species. Molecular Ecology 30: 1419 – 1434.

2. Roman J, Darling JA (2007) Paradox lost: genetic diversity and the success of aquatic invasions. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 22: 454 – 464.

3. Foote AD, Martin MD, et al. (2019) Killer whale genomes reveal a complex history of recurrent admixture and vicariance. Molecular Ecology 28: 3427 – 3444.

4. Hu Y, Qi D, Wang H, Wei F (2010) Genetic evidence of recent population contraction in the southernmost population of giant pandas. Genetica 138: 1297 – 1306.

5. Willoughby JR, Fernandez NB, Lamb MC, Ivy JA, Lacy RC, DeWoody JA (2014) The impacts of inbreeding, drift and selection on genetic diversity in captive breeding populations. Molecular Ecology 24: 98 – 110.

6. Vandergast AG, Wood DA, Thompson AR, Fisher M, Barrows CW, Grant TJ (2016) Drifting to oblivion? Rapid genetic differentiation in an endangered lizard following habitat fragmentation and drought. Diversity and Distributions 22: 344 – 367.

8. Shapiro B (2017) Pathways to de-extinction: how close can we get to resurrection of an extinct species? Functional Ecology 31: 996 – 1002.


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