Recommended Reading

The following are recommended readings – we will be discussing at least one of these articles in next week’s group discussion.

Nielsen ES, Hanson JO, Carvalho SB, Beger M, Henriques R, Kershaw F, von der Heyden S (2022) Molecular ecology meets systematic conservation planning. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 38: P143 – P155.

Andrew RL, Bernatchez L, Bonin A, Buerkle CA, Carstens BC, Emerson BC, et al (2013). A roadmap for molecular ecology. Molecular ecology 22: 2605 – 2626.

Hohenlohe PA, Funk WC, Rajora OP (2021) Population genomics for wildlife conservation and management. Molecular ecology 30: 62 – 82.

Johnson JB, Peat SM, Adams BJ (2009) Where’s the ecology in molecular ecology? Oikos 118: 1601 – 1609. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0706.2009.17557.x



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