7 Provide Access to Others

Last update: September 12th, 2024

Pressbooks icon.For more information, see Users in the Pressbooks User Guide.

How to add a user

Only Administrators of a book can add users to that book in Pressbooks.

To learn how to add and manage users, continue reading this chapter.

Follow these steps to add a user to your book:

  1. Go to your book’s Dashboard.
  2. Find the Users tab in the left-hand menu.
    Open Press Dashboard with Users menu
  3. At the top of the drop-down menu, select “Add New.”
  4. Does this person have a Wheaton OpenPress account?
    1. If yes, under “Add Existing User”, fill in the email associated with their Pressbooks account.
    2. If no, they must first create their own account, and then you can add them as an existing user (see the instructions for how to create an account in the chapter on Pressbooks Accounts). Note that Pressbooks will only accept email addresses associated with Wheaton College email domains.
  5. Select the desired role for your user. See below for role options.
  6. Do not check “Skip confirmation email.
  7. Select “Add User.” The person who has been added will receive an email invitation and a link to the book. They will need to click a confirmation link in order to access the book. If this is a new account, it will walk them through setting up their Pressbooks account.

User roles

User roles include:

  • Administrator: The highest permission level. Administrators can add, edit, and delete posts; they can add and delete users; and they can delete a book.
  • Editor: Editors can add, edit, manage, and publish posts — even those of others.
  • Author: Authors can write, edit, and publish their own posts, but not those of others.
  • Contributor: Contributors can write and edit their own posts. They cannot publish their posts.
  • Subscriber: The lowest permission level. Subscribers can only read posts.
Dashboard Links by User Type
Dashboard Link Administrator Editor Author Contributor Subscriber
Organize Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Private/Public setting (Organize) Yes No No No No
Book Info Yes No No No No
Appearance Yes Yes (but no “Themes”) No No No
Export Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Plugins Yes No No No No
Media Yes Yes Yes No No
Users Yes No No No No
Profile (Users) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Tools Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Import (Tools) Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Settings Yes No No No No


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Wheaton College Open Press Guide Copyright © Original Copyright Years 2016-2022 by Cary Gouldin and Jenny Castel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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