6 Pressbooks Accounts

Last update: September 12th, 2024

This chapter describes how Wheaton College faculty and staff access and manage an account at OpenPress at Wheaton College (Wheaton’s Pressbook instance).

Accessing your account for the first time

The Wallace Library Research and Instruction Department supports a self-serve and openly licensed instance of Pressbooks: Wheaton College OpenPress.

To sign in to OpenPress for the first time

  1. Go to “Sign In” from the header navigation menu
Wheaton Open Press Home page with two text boxes and sign in option on header
Open Press Home Page
  1. Sign in using your Wheaton College email address
  2. You will receive a DUO push
  3. Once you receive the duo push you will land on your Pressbooks/OpenPress Dashboard which is where you can create or access your books/projects, change your settings or update your profile.
Pressbooks Dashboard home page with red header.
Wheaton Open Press Dashboard Homepage

Please contact librarians_research@wheatoncollege.edu for account set-up assistance.

For information on how to create a book, see Create a New Book.

User profile

Pressbooks icon.For more information, see Update Your User Profile in the Pressbooks User Guide.

Accounts for students

At this time, students are not permitted to independently use Wheaton’s OpenPress as it is primarily for OER creation and open pedagogy projects. This is to ensure the long-term sustainability of the platform in terms of the technical and personnel resources required to host, run, maintain, and support the platform.

Student accounts will be considered on a case by case basis as we will make exceptions for instructors who want to bring students in to work on an OER either as collaborators or for a course assignment.

Student accounts will be deleted after the project/semester is over.


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Wheaton College Open Press Guide Copyright © Original Copyright Years 2016-2022 by Cary Gouldin and Jenny Castel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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